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BJ Cunningham

BJ Cunningham

Best known for:

BJ Cunningham is a serial entrepreneur and brand consultant.


BJ Cunningham is a serial entrepreneur and council member of Business Superbrands. He demonstrates through experience and knowledge that authentic branding is vital to building and retaining customer loyalty.


Whilst still a teenager BJ Cunningham started his first enterprise, importing classic cars and Harley Davidsons from LA to London. When the market collapsed he used his considerable debt to launch DEATH Cigarettes - positioned as ‘The Honest Smoke’. It gained such a foothold that BJ found himself taking on the combined might of the industry in the European Court of Justice.

Then, with a growing reputation for challenging norms, BJ set up a brand marketing agency and built a client list including Volkswagen, B&O and Nokia. Having sold the company and proved his credentials as a true serial entrepreneur, he and his wife created and ran the luxury shoe designer Georgina Goodman until its acquisition by venture capitalists.

BJ is a Visiting Professor at Brighton University, serves on the council of Business Superbrands and travels the world giving inspiring keynote presentations. He believes that while customers are magnetised towards ‘need’ over ‘want’ in the wake of recession, genuine premium will still remain resilient: “Loyalty in business is a long-term relationship, discounting is little more than a one-night stand.”

BJ’s message is that a brand is a promise, not a logo; it’s about depth, not awareness. A business must know what it stands for, say it with clarity and do what it says. With wonderfully engaging examples, he shows that customers want to understand the authentic soul of the organisation and become part of your community.

Speech titles

  • The Brand as a Promise, not a Logo 
  • Deepening the Customer Relationship 
  • The Power of Telling the Truth

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Having BJ recount his life experiences felt like an energising spark showing you the door to your dreams saying ‘go for it.

Richmond Events

A real hit with our audience, BJ has tremendous energy and great delivery. His message was superb.
