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Nicklas Bergman

Nicklas Bergman
Nicklas Bergman
Nicklas Bergman
Nicklas Bergman

Best known for:

Nicklas Bergman has worked as a serial entrepreneur and technology investor for more than 20 years.


Nicklas focuses mostly on investments and business development in emerging markets, web services, nanotechnology, computing, new materials, and new media art. Nicklas is currently close to 15 direct and indirect technology investments.


A couple of years ago Nicklas got tired of endless meetings with bankers, lawyers, and boards of directors, cleared his schedule and embarked on a journey to understand where technology is taking us and if we are ready for the upcoming techstorm. Today he is dividing his time between existing and new technology investments, a couple of his own projects and speaking and writing on the future of technology.

Nicklas has recently published a new book on how to deal with new technologies from a business perspective called “Surviving the Tech Storm – Strategy in Time of Technological Uncertainty.” The book is about technology being, probably, the strongest driver of change today and that anyone in a management position, or anyone with aspirations to eventually be in that position, must understand how technology is changing business from the ground up. 

Nicklas is also part of “Nordic Ways,” the 2016 key project at the SAIS Center for Transatlantic Relations at Johns Hopkins University in Washington D.C., USA. The final result is a book of essays, published October 2016, on how Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden are facing economic and social challenges through what has been known as the “Nordic Model”. Authored by people from all the Nordic countries, all the writers have backgrounds in politics, academia, design, arts, industry, and civil society.

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