Simon Calder

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Simon Calder is best known for being an English travel writer and broadcaster.
Simon Calder is an English travel writer and broadcaster, currently senior travel editor for The Independent newspaper.
Simon Calder is Britain's leading travel commentator and is known as “the man who pays his way” which means that he pays for his own travel.
He began his career at Gatwick airport, where he cleaned out planes for Sir Freddie Laker and, later, frisked passengers (for a job, that is; not a hobby).
He then started to write travel guidebooks and travel articles. Today Simon is Travel Correspondent for The Independent. Simon also writes for the Evening Standard, the i newpaper as well many other publications.
Simon is a regular guest on national TV, often seen on BBC Breakfast News, Good Morning Britain, CNN, ITV News and Sky News.
He is frequently interviewed on national and local BBC radio.
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